Wednesday, August 28, 2019

When Star Wars Meets Sports

I feel like I need to finish up the summer posts, but I also don't want to neglect May (that I haven't done yet). Plus, now that school is back in session, the dances will start again, so I want to get the last one on here before they begin again.

MORP was the last dance of the school year in May. It is girls choice. June had an idea of who she wanted to ask. It is important to ask fairly early if you want your date to be available. June made all these little minion twinkies and left them on Kaleb's porch. (Although she mixed up the letters for him. Can't make it too easy.)

I actually didn't know Kaleb, but I trust June's judgment. However, I started to question when he didn't answer June. A week or so went by and there was no answer and it was getting close to the dance. I thought it was a little inconsiderate. Then I repented of all those thoughts when this arrived.

Okay...that is actually quite clever and I appreciate a good sense of humor.

The girls were in charge of the date. June spent a lot of time planning. I think she was the driving force in her group, but that is just June. She is not content to sit by. She wants to be involved. We did some research and found a place that rented tandem bikes. We reserved some and then the girls planned a route to bike and a picnic lunch for the day date.

June can drive and she did not want me to be a chauffeur. (I can't imagine why not?) But I wanted to be there to make sure everything got rented correctly. And it is a REALLY good thing that I went. I showed up early because I didn't have to pick anyone up. I actually planned to take Pearl out for her birthday pictures while they were biking. (Two birds with one stone and all that.) You can see all the tandem bikes they have sitting outside and when I showed up, only 1 was left. The others were being checked out by a large family. I went inside and while trying to not be rude, I mentioned that we already had a reservation for four tandems. They only have six tandems to begin with and one was already out and about so there were five left. We basically wanted all of them and so did the family. But we did have a reservation first AND I had stopped in the day before to make sure everything was okay and to scout out the location of the store. I didn't feel that bad telling the other people to take single bikes. If anyone felt bad, it should have been the employees who did not check to see that the bikes were already reserved. If I had shown up ten minutes later, there would have been only one tandem there. It all worked out. I think the family got single bikes for a fantastic rate. And our kids got the tandems. It was a fun date idea and I think the kids had a great time. You can see them testing them out.

They biked about 3 miles to a park, where they are lunch, and then they biked back. I took pictures with Pearl. It was a great afternoon.

In the evening, the gang went to dinner at Lauren's house. I've sampled her father's cooking and they were getting a steal of a deal. Better than any restaurant food. Then they came to our house for pictures, ice cream, and games. Most dances have some kind of theme. This one was sports, which is kind of a dumb theme. (Although biking fits in there nicely.) However, it also happened to be on May 4th, so a lot of the kids decided that it should be a Star Wars theme. (You know, May the 4th be with you...) Most groups were choosing between those two themes, but June's group decided to combine them. June and I came up with some names combining those themes and we made shirts. Tell me what you think of the names and which is your favorite?

If you couldn't read those shirts well enough, they said:
Darth Volley and Obi Wan Karate
C3 Pingpong and R2 Dodgeball
Reyquetball and Finncing
Chewbocce Ball and Han Polo
Luke Skysoccer and Princess Leicrosse

Now some other obligatory pictures of the group.

After pictures there were sundaes and fun games. The 'in' thing is to do some other activity and only go to the dance for the last hour or so. That seems strange to me, but I don't mind. I can't even remember what all they played. Oh wait, I have a moment. Okay, they played Secret Hitler and My Team. June kept calling Nick, Nate, because that is who we usually play with. She mixed it up at least five times and it was quite comical.

It was a great date I think. Too bad kids these days only seem to go on dates for dances. One of these days, a guy will ask June out on a random day of the week, or even for a regular Saturday. It could happen.

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