Saturday, September 7, 2019

Hope of America 2019

Hope of America comes up for us every other year. You may remember posts from 2017, 2015, and 2014. Oops, see I lied. I forgot that Robyn and June are only a year apart in school. Well, you get the idea. Almost every other year.

We have the drill down pretty well. I know what to expect and yet I still missed getting over to Daisy to take pictures before. I think it was because we didn't go early. Instead, we came just before and Daisy ran inside and I found parking. Tyler came later, but we all got there.

Also, Daisy was on the floor. She technically wasn't part of the flag, but there are really cool things about being on the floor. The kids got to be more involved in some ways. You'll see. First up, remember any of these groups from previous years? There is the senior ladies dance group. (Sorry, I'm too lazy to look up their name.)

BYU often sends one of their groups.

The Green Man group is always a must. They taught everyone to do the Orange Justice. (I didn't know that was a dance.)

They also had a number where they wore glow wigs. You can't see it well, but here is the drummer sporting his wig. (Hmmm, I guess they are all drummers. Duh.)

There was also a group that did a Lion King dance. This is the worst picture but can you see Zazu? The others are lions...or blobs of pixels.

One more from the old ladies. This is a traditional costume. I think they've used it every year.

We are more than ready for the kids. Bring 'em out! This is Daisy's spot. I often try to find the guy in front and go back one person. Or I find the girl with braids and go back on a diagonal.

Okay, now see if you can find her.

The flag picture is always a big deal. I had to walk down the stairs to get a closer shot. They look pretty good.

I tried to get one more close up while I was down there. It wasn't the best. However, my neighbor's son happened to be standing by Daisy so she took a couple shots for me. Now you can see the smile a little closer.

We were sitting pretty high up. From here you can see why I went down to get a picture. The flag is blocked by an obstacle.

I got a couple tiger tails. We split them because they were so big.

And we brought the binoculars. Here is Pearl checking it out. This is probably what she sees.

Here are some fun poses from the kids. And the song This is America! The great thing is that all the older kids know the songs from when they performed, so they like to sing along. In the video, you can see some of them singing and doing the actions.

There was a really cool part where they got a huge flag and had the kids on the floor extend and hold it. It is part of some project called 'Follow the Flag'. Not exactly sure what it was all about, but the huge flag was cool.

Here is another video. Daisy was also next to Henry, her good friend. Sometimes it is easier to spot her next to a redhead. America rocks! I like the sunglasses.

But my favorite is still the last one with the flashlights. Apparently it is called, We Can Be a Light. (Maybe, the girls weren't sure.)

Then we actually got to our car and left in record time with no traffic. The Statue of Liberty must have been smiling on us that evening. Daisy did a great job. Now, just one more (two years from now).

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