Saturday, October 12, 2019

Art Must Go On

One of the best posts of the year is the art show at the Junior High. However, the show was much  different this year since there was a new art teacher. The show was much smaller, the art was all mixed together instead of in categories and I think there were awards but I'm not sure how they were chosen or if they were given out by category. I'm not sure that matters anyway. I took all my pictures before awards were given. Since I work at the school, I did my own tour around and enjoyed several pieces. So I took pictures of all the ones I liked.

I'm going to put Robyn's pieces on first. I shouldn't say anything negative about Robyn, and I don't have anything negative to say about her artwork...there just isn't enough of it. The new art teacher didn't know what the studio art kids were capable of, so he let them have way too much time to complete each project. This meant that they did possibly a third of what the kids have done in other years.

They still did ceiling tiles, but somehow neither I nor Robyn ever took a picture of hers. How is that even possible?? I'll have to go to the school on Monday and take a picture of it on the ceiling. So that picture will be coming soon.

The ceiling tile took up a fair portion of Robyn's time. She also did a couple pieces that were shown earlier in the year at the mini show before Christmas time. You can see them here. Other than that, the second half of the year was pretty slow. There was a piece where you had to use song lyrics and create an original artwork. Robyn spent a lot of time on that one and it turned out really nice. It was displayed at an art show at the mall.

Other than that, the other prompt of 'big and small' she did right before the end of school. It barely made it into the art show at graduation.

Other art from the 'big and small' category that I liked were these two.

Now back to the end of year art show. These are the pieces I enjoyed the most and took pictures of as I walked around.

I think I am most intrigued by the snail one. What is going on in that picture? Is it a snail's nightmare? Are they underwater snails? Is it an angler snail? I just don't know.

The elementary school did an art show as well. They put up art from all the different grades. That ends up being a lot of art. Most grades were copying a certain style of art. Pearl's group did a fish bowl drawing. I think hers turned out so cute.

Daisy's grade did impressionists and they did Monet's Lilies. I think the grades were using different mediums as well, since Pearl used marker and Daisy did paint. But I like how it turned out.

All these pieces of art were well before the Summer of art, so you can see that the kids were just building skills to use later. It is always good to let some creative juices flow.

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