Monday, November 25, 2019

Experiencing Revelation

I don't get very religious on my blog. It isn't that I don't have a testimony, but it is very personal to me and I don't put it out there to be ridiculed. Oddly enough, I don't have enough readers here to worry about that, but old habits die hard.

This year has been so fantastic church wise. It is amazing to listen to General Conference and hear all the new revelation for our day. It is inspired and I feel so blessed to be alive when these changes are being made. It will be so beneficial for everyone. Some people don't like change, but I like to think the Lord thinks we are ready for the next step. And all the changes are procedural. The doctrine doesn't change.

Each conference for the last year and a half has brought some new change with it. Whether it is how we minister, or the time scheduled for church. This conference Tyler was released as Young Men's president as they are now having the Bishop and his counselors fulfill that role. The Young Women were given a new theme and they are changing a lot of the youth program. They also announced that a temple will be built in Orem. It was really a great conference.

We still have our conference wall going strong. I forgot to take a picture, but this time around, six out of seven of us reread all the talks from April Conference. Go us! We went out to eat dinner at Chuck O Rama to celebrate.

Now we have a new wall that is already filling up with stickers. I'm impressed with the girls and their diligence to listen to the word of God. I'll see kids washing dishes and listening to talks. June listens as she drive to and from work. Daisy borrows my phone and plugs in headphones to listen. It is very cool. I think they are so lucky and blessed to be alive at this time in the history of the church.

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