Monday, March 30, 2020

Art Theme: Movies

This post is hot off the press. We are currently on day 19 of social distancing. (Governor Herbert requested on Thursday, March 12th that people not meet in groups of 100 or more. That later changed to 10 or more, but I call March 12th Day 1 of social distancing.)

Since the kids are home all the time, we needed something to do with our time. (Sure, we do online school and cleaning and games and reading and movies, but everyone can use a little art in their lives.) So we started Summer Art early. I guess you can't call it Summer Art. Maybe we should call it the Corona Art Club. Too morbid? Just Art Club?

Regardless of the name, we are back at it. We all chose art themes and drew at random. (The Hulse's are our special quarantine family, so they added their own themes and joined us in our endeavors.) My theme was chosen first: Movies.

This was such a fun theme and I was impressed with the different pieces that came up, as always. We did awards a little differently this time. Instead of overall awards, people competed against themselves. Each person was recognized for their best piece. If they only submitted one art, they were recognized for that, but if they submitted two, we all voted which one we liked the most and then we took pictures.

It does make for a lot of pictures, but that is what the blog is for. Yay memories and pictures!

Without further ado, let's see what we came up for the theme Movies!

Camie participated too! We didn't tell her until later in the week, so she whipped out this guy in a few minutes. Titled Heckboy! Hahaha.

This one is titled Name That Movie. Can you figure out what movie each picture represents?*

Such fun stuff right? Here are the pieces we recognized.

Do you recognize Shades? He is from a recent movie.

Robyn did it again. Can you believe how lifelike this picture is?

For the record, I adore Tyler's art. My dad has a 'Top Ten' movie list that has dozens of movies on it. It made me smile.

There you go! Movie art. Next week the theme is Song Lyrics. I can't wait to see what people come up with.

* movies top to bottom, left to right:
Silence of the Lambs
Dirty Dancing

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