Friday, March 13, 2020

Find Your Focus

I am currently in the Relief Society presidency in my ward. I am the secretary. That means I get a lot of random tasks, but nothing too important, which is just how I like it. For the new year, we came up with a fun theme for 2020. Working with the idea of 20/20 vision, we decided to make a theme of Find Your Focus. Each month we focus on a different word. Tyler helped me design a fun logo/poster. I really liked how it turned out.

Then we had an activity to let sisters come and think of what they wanted to focus on for the year. My job was putting up a photo booth. I borrowed a wedding backdrop from Christina. Besides the fact that I put it together wrong three times before I got it right, it went up pretty easy. I made a sign beforehand and Kelsie helped me blow up balloons.

Lynn was in town visiting. I see she is as serious as always. (Man, I miss her.)

I got a whole bunch of fake glasses so everyone could wear glasses. (You know...focus.) June and I tried it out before to see how it would work.

Then for the actual activity, we had mini white boards. Everyone wrote a word to focus on. And then we took pictures together. It was really fun.

Some of the girls came too. Here is June in another group.

We were going to take a presidency picture, but one of us wasn't there. And then the white boards were put away. Plus, we were all in workout clothes from another activity. But who cares? These ladies are awesome!

Hopefully you have some good stuff to focus on this year. Like maybe not getting the Corona virus or having enough toilet paper stocked up for emergency situations. Start small. :)

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