Wednesday, April 29, 2020

All the Kids are in Double Digits

It seems weird for my baby to be ten. All my kids are in double digits now. That means they are growing up and I am getting old. But that is how life works, and I'm not afraid of a few white hairs. (Ok...hundreds really.)

Pearl had a good birthday. Her birthday was pre-quarantine, so we were still on a very busy schedule. Dad was gone out of the house in the morning, and June had to work, so we didn't open presents until very late. But no one minds staying up a bit to open presents.

She still got her balloons. (She thought the big P was the number 9. She told me that she thought I forgot how old she was.)

And her birthday lunch. That picture of her eating the strawberry is pretty epic.

I made her a rice krispie cake. Not just regular rice krispies, but fruity pebbles. I thought it was a little weird actually, but the girls seemed to really like it. Ivory loved it and even after the dog licked it, she finished it off later in the week.

Ten candles. Still a cinch to blow out.

Pearl got some awesome gifts. She loves puzzles.

She got her own fitbit which she wears all the time and beats me in steps daily.

She got a new animal for her bed. It kind of fits her personality some days.

This hanging chair she got is pretty cool and inexpensive. Good thing we have an awesome Dad who knows how to hang things.

The best present might have been to have the whole family go out and ride horses the following Saturday, but that is for another post.

We sure love Pearl. She is kind hearted and witty. She holds her own even though she is the youngest. There are so many wonderful things about her. I'm so lucky to be her mom.

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