Friday, April 17, 2020

Cooking Takes Brains

Ivory picked up a strange cookbook at the Library book sale. It was called Nerdy Nummies and inside were recipes for baking delicacies like chemistry cakes and atom cookies to fantasy and sci-fi treats.

We have a few books like these and most of the time, they aren't used because
1) Time involved is too much for a lazy person like me
2) They often use ingredients that are weird to find or create
3) All my efforts look like something off the show 'Nailed It'

But when the lazy mom's away, the Ives will play. And by play, I mean she decided to tackle possibly one of the hardest things in the book. She decided to make a brain. This involved making her own fondant (which I have never done, so it's not like she had any experience) and baking in a bowl.

Ivory will find a way though. She is stubborn and resourceful when it suits her needs. Tyler was around and took some pictures of her working in the kitchen.

Here is the batter in the bowl. The bowl gives it the rounded brain shape, but I think that might be too much batter for that bowl.

I was right. Ivory said the batter overflowed all over the oven. Well, live and learn, right. I wish Tyler had gotten pictures of her making the fondant. That must have been quite the adventure.

Are you ready for the finished product? Behold.

It's amazing right? Disgusting and astounding. She did such a great job!

We got home that evening and ate it the next day. The fondant was a bit much, but the actual red velvet cake was quite scrumptious. Baking can be quite tricky. Maybe not brain surgery, but in this case, pretty close.

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