Friday, April 24, 2020

February Chatbook 2020

Let's chat about February people. This is before we knew about Corona. Before we even saw quarantine coming. Everything was going along like a well oiled machine. By well oiled machine, I mean we were still the same quirky people we have always been, with strange pictures that we take randomly. Let's see what the month had in store...

I was out of town right at the beginning of the month. (Still in Washington.) This is what dinner looks like without mom. What a energetic group.

Nova really hated baths in the beginning, but it looks like she is getting used to them.

I like this photo that Robyn edited. The grandfather clock is a nice touch.

Daisy did the Engineering Fair. (I do not like the engineering fair. Can't the kids do a regular Science fair?) She and Diana made a fun colored spray to go on light bulbs, so you can change the color to soothe the kids you babysit. Then it washes off again. It was a creative idea. However, i'm still finding paint in my bathroom where they put it together. I keep chanting, Kids are more important than stuff.

If you read this blog at all, you know we love Screen printing around here. So when I walked through the art rooms at the high school, I was very impressed with their screen printing operation. It is just a touch above ours.

Check out this awesome art by Pearl. Looks like they were doing some impressionist art. Pearl didn't love hers but I think it gives a good impression.

Tyler was growing out his hair. You can tell it is getting long when I can braid it. Not too shabby. I think it is quite fetching.

I was able to go with the Jazz band to a conference in St. George. It was amazing. Mrs. Taylor spoke about how to teach jazz band. She is very inspiring and awesome at what she does. And I had no kids in attendance, so I didn't worry about recording or taking pictures. I just got to relax and enjoy the address and music.

I also saw these fun practice counters there. So I made my own. Daisy now has one above the piano to remind her to practice. It helps that she gets a candy when she flips over a big bead.

We unearthed this plate I got a long time ago. It is great for white board messages. And cute guys like Edwin, compliments of Daisy.

June had to do a makeup day for her P.E. Lifeskills class. So she invited me to come bowl with her and her friends. They are such cuties. It is possible that I won because none of them are amazing at bowling. However, what they lack in bowling, they make up in smarts. These three girls are incredibly intelligent. Their average ACT score is 34.7. Not just pretty faces.

I don't love inside toys going outside, because they usually don't come back in and then they are ruined. But I did appreciate this prison created by the youngins. It reminds me of things that Miranda and I used to make when we were young.

We haven't had a dishwasher for a long time. We have come up with dozens of ways to figure whose turn it is to wash. I can tell when Daisy has been washing since she comes up with the most creative ways of stacking her dishes.

Nova loves to chase a ball all day long. There is possibly only one thing she likes more and that is balloons. We don't play with them too often because I'm worried about her choking on balloon pieces because when she is involved, it is guaranteed that she will eventually get it. She is like a shark. Often you can hear her teeth snapping in the air as she tries to snag it. It is terrifying and really fun all at the same time.

Tyler was super brave and took Ivory and Daisy to the Provo Library Book Sale. That place is a zoo. I was out of town and so he took them. Best Dad ever. And this picture is pretty awesome too.

Eric comes and plays games with us now and then. We have played some very interesting games that he has brought. He likes a game with tons of strategy. I like strategy, but sometimes my brain needs a break at the end of the day. Here we are playing Survive. If you recognize this game, you are old, like me. :)

For a few years now, I've decided to let the girls do their own thing when it comes to Valentine's boxes. They come up with better ideas when I don't help. This year, Daisy and Pearl made darling boxes. I was on art tour but Tyler sent along a picture. How sweet is this taco and hippo box?

It is really fun to draw on Dad's feet. Or anyone's feet. It is tickly and it is fun to watch them squirm. Daisy was working on Dad. She seems to love it too.

I'm not sure this picture needs any description. It is what it is.

Nova doesn't always sit like a dog. Tyler calls it sitting stupid. It looks a little funny.

I find forts around the house sometimes, but this is the first truck fort I've found. Bet it won't be the last.

Skate night happened. If I calculate correctly, only two more years of skate night and then we can stop going. I shouldn't' complain. I didn't have to go to this one. We just dropped the kids off. And they do love to skate. And it is a right of Elementary passage. I remember my skate days at Skate King. (Which is now closed.)

So, I never posted when we changed rooms because some girls never got their room 'photo ready'. I should really put pictures on here of when we painted. Maybe I'll do that tomorrow. We painted in the fall and June finally got some shutters for her window in March. (It's clearly a process.) They look pretty good.

Tyler still does interviews with his girls. Pearl's favorite place to chat is the roof. Why not?

This was such a fun night. We went over to play games with Bart and Rebecca just a week or so before quarantine. They have so many fun games and taught us a new one called Wingspan. Someday we'll have them over to play games to return the favor.

I don't know who took this picture, but it looks so sad. It reminds me of that awful French show with the little boy and the red balloon.

Ivory and Daisy were trying to see how they would look with bangs. I'm thinking they look pretty special.

When I brought jam back from Art Tour, the trip did something weird to it. We called it anti-gravity jam. It stayed this way for a couple weeks. Impressive. 

That wraps up February. Just some normal days in the Cazier life. We like to play and work and smile. And we certainly like to laugh at ourselves now and then. Keeping it real. 

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