Monday, April 20, 2020

Hunting For Eggs

My kids still love the Easter egg hunt. I think I'll keep doing it until I have grandkids. This year we moved it indoors. We often use the neighbor's yard so there is more space, but with quarantine, I didn't think I'd ask them.

Instead, I moved the hunt indoors. I kicked all the kids out and I hid all their eggs in our messy house. (Which makes them a little harder to find.) I still hid camo eggs outside. The girls had their own color of egg to find and I also hid white eggs with colored chicks inside. The color indicated what prize you got. And finally, I made a small Easter bag for each of them and hid it somewhere in the house. They each had to find their own.

Are you girls ready, with your empty buckets?


The eggs were not easy this year. Tyler hid half of them (thank you) and there were occasional easy ones, but they could be inside drawers or hidden under things. The girls really had their work cut out for them. I'm pretty sure that no one found all their eggs that day.

The bags were pretty tricky to find as well. Daisy found hers by default. I hid it in a large empty box on the stairs. Part way through the hunt, Tyler decided to take the box out to the garage for recycling. Rookie mistake. (Don't move anything until after the hunt.) I had to tell him to bring the box back and the kids descended on it like vultures. Thus Daisy found the bag. (Although she did walk by that box a dozen times before.)

Here is a great picture and an egg I'm very proud of hiding. Can you see it? It is rather tricky and even though Ivory knew the egg was somewhere near, it still took her a while to find it.

Did you see it? Hidden under the edge of the plastic bag?

Eventually everyone found most of their eggs and their bag. They got quite the stash of goodies. (Some can't eat them since they are doing the candy challenge until May 1st, but candy keeps....unless mom eats it.)

The white eggs held chicks, as mentioned before. Pink chicks meant you got to choose an ice cream flavor, blue chicks meant you got to chose a treat for mom to make, and yellow chicks meant choosing a movie for everyone to watch. There was one empty white egg. That was special. It meant you got to choose the next book we read together as a family. Ivory got the empty one. (She was actually bummed at first. No one likes an empty egg.)

In case you are wondering, she chose Gregor the Overlander for our book. Great series, if you haven't read it.

And finally, our big winner, finding the five dollar bill, was Daisy. It was a bit anticlimactic, since we were looking for extra camo eggs outside and this one had popped open revealing the bill. Daisy just happened to pick it up first. But that still makes it hers. :)

It was a great hunt. Three kids came down that night after finding an egg in their bed. Pearl and Daisy found all theirs, but I think we still have orange, green, yellow, and one white egg still somewhere in the house. Apparently, this will be a year long hunt. Bet we find some when we change rooms this summer.

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