Sunday, May 10, 2020

Art Theme: Ocean

Let's dive right into our next art theme. This one was awesome and some new artists washed up on shore. Keep bringing them in. We love to see all the art being created.

My mom made an awesome slide show. She has done hundreds of Happy Color pictures from the app and many have been octopuses. She put together a compilation of sea pictures and we watched them while playing Octopus's Garden by the Beatles. It was really neat. I can't put all 45 pictures on here, but here is a collage of some of her favorite octopuses.

Octopus Collage by Megan

Tricia and her kids joined this week. I've included them with our family but you can find their art by artist name. We'll start with some Perler art.

Winky by Ivory

Sting and Puffer by Annalise

Friends by Pearl

Let's see what kind of creatures you can find under the waves...

Under the Sea by Daisy

Ocean Pollution by Daisy

Unknown by Camille

Jellyfish by Annalise 
Sprocket by June

Ring of Endless Light by Tricia

Watch out though, some can be dangerous.

Shark by Pearl

Pool Shark by June

The MEG by Ivory

Just When You Thought it was Safe to Go Back in the Water by Tricia

47 Meters Down by Robyn

Phew. But can find safety on the shore with the vigilant lighthouses.

Rescue by Camille

Lighthouse by Megan

Sentinel by Maleen

Finally, you are less likely to find these creatures in the sea, but who knows?

Lurker by Robyn

Chapter 25: The Lost Pearl by Maleen

Camie and Nate came up with some awesome art. Even Bastion was helping out. He is one, but quite the artist already.

World's Deadliest Shark Attacks by Bastion (and Nate) 

Nate drew this art for Inktober last year and they put it on a shirt for Bastion. That kid will be the most stylish kid in town. (Not that anyone will see him since we're all in quarantine.)

Hey, Scuba Diving Might be Fun! by Nate and Camie

The Hulse's had some great pieces as usual.

Ellie did a great piece. In the middle it says: I know about the ocean. It is the biggest habitat. It is home to lots of animals. It is made of salt water. That is wat I know about the ocean.

Ellie Eco

Fractured Starfish by Beth 
Peanut Blubber and Jelly

Ecosystems by Henry
Finally, this fun video called A Sea Pop Culture by Jonny, Jane, and Eleanor. It looks like fish in motion.

Thanks for coming on this underwater exploration with us. Next week, we go back in time with the theme of History. We could end up anywhere.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad I was able to participate - and you did a fantastic job with the collage of my octopi. That is almost another art piece in itself.
