Monday, May 11, 2020

Shall We Meet...Once

The track season was really short this spring. The kids got to do one meet and then it was over. It is really quite sad for all of them since they didn't get to break any of their own records.

However, Ivory remembered her times from last year and she did great on her first (and only) meet. Here she is running the mile. She did such a good job. I was the only one there, so I could either time or take video. So this one I timed.

This is her best time on the mile. She was working so hard to get in shape. I'm sure she could have done better each time.

In between her races, she was cheering on the boys and other teammates. She has such a good group of friends in track. They are awesome girls.

Here they are ready for the 800 m. Can you see Ivory's long hair?

I did a video for this one, so I wan't able to keep a timer, but I think she got right about 3 minutes. She did an amazing job. She came in third for our school and in the top ten for sure.

I almost didn't go to the track meet because I had other stuff. But I moved it around and went and I'm so glad I did.

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