Tuesday, June 23, 2020

April Chatbook 2020

So, let's chat about April. It was a really uneventful month full of quarantine. This became very obvious when I went back to get pictures and over half of them were of the dog. Yep...when we are bored and quarantined, we take pictures of our dog. And we seem to do little else.

Also remember that we did a lot of art during this month, but those are all other posts. Today is just the tid bits and lots of pictures of Nova.

So let's start with this dog of ours. Most pictures taken are of snuggle time. Everyone thinks she is really cute when she is curled up with someone.

This is a definitive dog pile.

Look at her little tongue. Silly dog.

Ivory tried holding her like a child. Weird, and probably not very comfortable for her.

Nova happens to be a peeping tom. We see her looking over the fence all the time at the neighbors. We caught her in the act.

We have many nicknames for Nova. One of them is 'Fat Seal'. When she lays down, if she didn't have legs, she would look very much like a fat seal. Can you see the resemblance?

She isn't a perfect dog. She gets rather feisty when she plays and sometimes she forgets we are mere mortals. Pearl got a nice scratch from her the other day. She was mad (Pearl) but she forgave her quickly.

Here are some fun little drawings I found on the white board from Daisy. Who doesn't love pictures of brains?

This is a drawing Daisy did for school. Tricky.

Who's this good looking guy? Maybe when Tyler reaches this age, he'll finally be able to grow a beard.

Around here, we often use each other as a drawing reference. Take these two for instance. Pearl holding a hat on and June posing in heals. They were a reference for the following drawing. I couldn't do it without them.

With Spring, we've had more bird friends visiting. I love most of the birds (no pigeons please) but I especially like the colorful ones. Mr. Blue Bird on my fence.

This rainbow showed up one afternoon. Can you see it? One of the odd things about our house is that you can't see the mountains from our front yard. (You can see the mountains from almost everywhere in the valley.) But you can still see rainbows.

We still don't have a dishwasher. Has it been over a year? It was June's turn to rinse and stack this particular day. She likes to build towers. I'm impressed. (For the record, we didn't use that many tupperwares in one day. I happened to find a stack in the craft room and figured we should wash them before I got rid of them.)

June isn't usually a prankster. But this toilet man she made is pretty funny.

Tyler had long hair for most of quarantine. He tried growing it out, but it wasn't my favorite. But the girls liked to do funny things with it. For instance, can you see the very tiny brain sticking off his head?

Final photo for the month was from Book Group. We read The Illusionarium. There was a contest in it and people chose their team by wearing the right color. So I made colored cupcakes and I flavored them as well. You couldn't taste the orange very well, but the lime and lemon were pretty good. I won't spoil the book by telling you which team is the right color.

That's it for April. I told you...mostly dog pictures.

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