Monday, June 8, 2020

Losing Molars

We still have kids losing teeth around here, and because Daisy is a VERY SLOW teeth loser, Pearl is catching up. Actually, pulling into the lead by the looks of things.

In April, Pearl ate a fruit snack and found it was a little crunchier than expected. (Meaning, what in the heck? Fruit snacks aren't crunchy?) Turns out there was a tooth in it. She didn't even know it was loose. 

She wanted to keep her tooth. She said it was very nice that the tooth fairy gives money, but she would rather have her tooth. She still wanted the money of course. I told her the tooth fairy gives money to reward the child for a job well done, not just for the tooth. 

Sure enough, she left a note under her pillow asking if she could keep the tooth and in the morning, she still had the tooth and three dollars. 

(In later news, her tooth broke. She was heartbroken. But a little super glue and a new protective box solved that problem.)

Only a couple weeks later and Daisy lost the SAME tooth. The orthodontist told her it might be fused and she should wiggle it plenty. Well, Daisy did a good job, because it came out nicely. It did have quite a pokey point on one side. Sadly she lost it before she could put it under the pillow. (Perhaps that was good. The tooth fairy might have impaled herself. Yikes!)

Daisy still got three dollars as well. But it looks like Pearl is ahead on the teeth removal race. We'll see who loses one next.

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