Thursday, October 1, 2020

Quirky Quips

It is easy to get distracted in life and lose track of the blog. But a post like this one is just the thing to get me moving in the right direction. 

These quotes are from 2 to 3 years ago. They still make me laugh and it is certainly funny to think how these kids' brains work.


Daisy, Mom, and Ivory are talking about school.

Daisy: I hope the desk fairy comes.

Ivory: What's the desk fairy?

Daisy: She leaves a High Chew in your desk if its clean.

Ivory: My teachers might have done that, but I don't know since my desk is never clean.


Pearl and Daisy were arguing over who's turn it was to play on G'ma's ipad.

Pearl: I have to finish my level!

Daisy: No, it's my turn!

After a moment, Pearl hands it over.

Pearl: Here you go Daisy. You can have it.

Daisy gladly takes the ipad to find that it was out of battery and completely dead.


Playing Code Names

Robyn points to a card: What's Berlin?

G'ma: The capital city of Germany

She points to France

G'ma: France is a country.

Tim: No it's NOT!


June: Rail track—Rain Road...Bah! I can't spok today!

June: Speak, I can't SPEAK today.


Robyn is looking over a list of presidents.

Robyn: William Henry Harrison wasn't even president for a year!

Daisy looks over her shoulder and reads: John Quinky Adams?

A few minutes later...

June: ....the presidents.

Daisy: Those aren't presidents, they're prophets!


Radi was asking about June's school retreat.

Radi: Did you do yoga?

June: Yeah.

Radi: Regular yoga or the naked back yoga?

Mom: ?? What did you say?

Radi: Neck and back yoga.

Mom: Haha. I thought you said naked. (sounds like necked)


Ivory: It's not my fault you forgat...forgetted...ForGOT!


Talking about how Ivory hates bees.

Daisy: She has arachnophobia of bees.


Mom is singing a song that she grew up listening to and she thinks all the kids know.

Mom: Pearl, finish this song. (Singing) The luckiest creature in all of the world is a ....

Pearl: ...beaver??


Daisy is reading June's homework.

Daisy: O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name, or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love and I'll no longer be a...catapult?


Mom: What snack do you want?

Robyn: What do you think I'd like?

Mom: mm...maybe bagels?

Robyn: No.

Mom: Cheese?

Robyn: Yeah! But get the Kolby Jack kind.

Mom: Always.

Robyn: The orange squares that are white!

Mom: ...What did you say?


Pearl: This colored pencil is running out of ink.


Daisy: Mom, I'm going to be one of the best kissers.

Mom: I'm not sure you should be telling your mom this.

Daisy: I'm going to play the trombone and they have to blow like this. (She makes a puckerface)


June is looking on Family Search

June: Look Pearl at the date. 1305. You know how many years ago that was?

Pearl: a million?

June: 712

Pearl: I was close.


Talking about dinner.

Robyn: Does that mean I'll have to reach into the oven?

Mom: Yes, but your hand will be extended by a foot.

Robyn: What? Did that sentence make sense?

Mom: Not a FOOT foot...


June and Mom are talking about June's bed time fine. Her fine goes up by $1 if she doesn't go to bed on time. Mom says it can reset every month, but it starts at $2. 

Ivory: Yeah, then at the MOST you would only have to pay $34.

Mom looks at Ivory: How many days are in your months?

Ivory: 32


June is taking a long time to make a rule in Mau.

June: Give me a sec.

Mom: (Luckily her mouth was full as she mumbled) We've given you plenty of secs. (Then face palms as she realizes how bad that sounds.)


Girls are playing on the computer. Daisy says something.

Ivory: I heard that. I've got very good earrings.


Pearl: What is the most useful part of your body?

June: I don't know...brain? Or heart? Or maybe fingers?

Pearl: Well, it's actually your bum and your ears.


Daisy: I can make you say the color pink!

Mom: How?

Daisy: Say G-R-E-E-N.

Mom: Green.

Daisy: B-R-U-E.

Mom: Brue?

Daisy: No! Blue.

Daisy: P-L-A-C-K.

Mom: Plack?

Daisy: No, black!

Daisy: I made you say it!!

Mom:...No you didn't...


Steven, June, and Robyn are walking home from school. Steven keeps throwing snowballs at them.

Steven: You've got to be careful here, because the snow here is tedious.

June: What did you say?

Steven: I said the snow is tedious.

June: Do you know what that word means?

Steven: Yeah...dangerous.

June: No, it means boring. Like, if something is tedious, it's boring.

Robyn: No, Steven's right. Tedious, as in something tediously leaning off a cliff.

June: Are you thinking of tenuous, maybe?

Robyn and Steven: No, we're right!

June: Look it up! (A few minutes later) Tedious adj. Too long, slow, or dull, tiresome, BORING.

Robyn: That's lame.


Ivory: Has the jello solidated enough? Saturated?


Dad has gun stuff on the table. He picks up a thing of nail polish.

Robyn: Is that gun nail polish?

Dad: No, its GUN NAIL polish.


Daisy: Just because I'm wearing bunny ears doesn't mean I have to be happy.


Talking about celebrity crushes.

Robyn: Who's your celebrity crush June?

June: Orlando Bloom.

Robyn: The black guy? From Star Wars?

Mom: (laughing) Not Lando Calrissian.

After looking at pictures of Orlando Bloom.

Robyn: Okay, I guess he's okay for you.


Mom and Dad agree that Sunday School was good today.

Ivory: You're in the same class? But you're a year apart!

Since the kids are separated by age groups, it never occurred to her that there is only one adult class.


That's it for today. Hope a couple of these made you smile. 

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