Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Art Theme: Superstitious

This was our last theme of the Summer. We had such an amazing summer of art. And there is still the art show to post, but let's get this last theme on there. 

It was really fun to see the research that went into this last theme. I learned about some very interesting superstitions. My mom put together a very fun music video to the song Superstition by Stevie Wonder. You can play it in the background while you look through the art if you click HERE. I think in one video she covered almost all the superstitions we thought of. 

I don't have any clips from Megan's video because she had learned how to share her screen and she did all the work from her side of things, so I never got a copy. Also, it was towards the end of all the art. People weren't as good about sending along pictures. And I was a bit of a slacker as well since I was headed into full art show mode, so I didn't worry that I was missing stuff for the blog.  

Let's jump in and see if I can remember the meaning behind the art.

This one is pretty self explanatory. Fingers crossed you can figure it out.

Fingers Crossed by Daisy Cazier

Here's another one with the focus on luck.

Lucky Charm by Pearl Cazier

June found out that originally a toast was more than just a celebration. Instead, glasses were intentionally smashed together so the liquid from each glass would slosh into the other. That way, if one were poisoned, both people would die.

Suspicious Toast by June Cazier

Traditionally, bridesmaids would dress exactly as the bride to confuse evil spirits and unwanted suitors. No longer do bridesmaids dress like the bride, but they often wear matching outfits to each other. 

Bachelorette Number Five by Maleen Cazier

Henry found a cool superstition that if you carry an acorn, you can stay forever young. Which makes sense. Have you seen any old squirrels?

Even a Blind Squirrel by Henry Hulse

Annalise did this piece. I'm thinking her superstitions lie around death and skulls. Plenty in that arena.

Skully by Annalise Kinsey

Here is a classic voodoo doll. I think Daisy did a great job on her.

Legba by Daisy Cazier

Robyn's superstitious suspicious photo. 

Gal Noir by Robyn and June Cazier

Camille did a mermaid. There are plenty of superstitions for sailors when it comes to mermaids. Some are lucky and some are extremely unlucky. Beware those sirens.

Mermaid of the Sea by Camille Kinsey

Black cats...need I say more?

Familiars by Tricia Kinsey

Here's another about luck. I choose a 'horse' plenty, but I'm never willing to bet on it.

Lucky Horse by Annalise Kinsey

The full moon has plenty of superstitions surrounding it. 

No Werewolves Out Tonight, Daddy Shot Them All Last Night by Tyler Cazier

Maggie drew this awesome picture showing that a bird pooping on your head brings good fortune. And hopefully a future shower.

Blessings From Heaven  by Maggie Hulse

There you go. Plenty of superstitions to ponder. Are you superstitious about anything?

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