Saturday, November 14, 2020


It is tradition for us to go out somewhere like Pumpkinland or Jaker's to get pumpkins. We have done it since the kids were tiny. Tyler's Real Estate group has done a fall party of sorts the last couple of years and that has worked well for us. But this year they moved it north and chose to go to Cornbelly's. I don't really like Cornbelly's. It is too expensive and a bit crazy. It feels more like going to the fair than enjoying a fall activity. 

Add to that chaos some Covid, and I really didn't want to go. But to show support for Tyler, I packed all the kids up and we headed out there. I shouldn't say all the kids. Tyler went earlier to set up and he took Daisy with him. The HIVE provided drinks and pulled pork sandwiches (and entry) to their clientele. 

Sounds fun, but in actuality, it was a complete ZOO! There were so many people there. One would think that there wasn't a pandemic going on. We waded through the masses to find the tent and then we wolfed down a couple pulled pork sandwiches. 

The hot chocolate was nice and hot. Enough to steam up Pearl's glasses.

I frankly didn't want to do anything at Cornbelly's. It was way too crazy to look for pumpkins. (I didn't even know where to start looking.) There were plenty of random activities, but it seemed like the perfect germ fest environment. The only thing that seemed safe was the Corn Maze and luckily, we were right next to it. 

We divided onto two teams and had a mini competition. Each team had to take a picture on each lookout bridge in the maze. Ready...go.

Lookout ONE

That was easy. The floral team (based on Robyn's mask) even saw us in the distance and took a picture.

 Lookout TWO

Only our team was smart enough to distinguish between bridges. How else can you prove you were on a different lookout post? 

Lookout THREE

Lookout FOUR

Our team (the leopard team) returned first. We climbed the overlook at the start of the maze and called it Lookout FIVE. 

Although we won, we had the only injury of the trip. A particularly sharp stick of corn husk stabbed Ivory in the neck as she was walking around. Brutal, but she survived.

I wanted to go right home after that. Daisy was a little heart broken because she had been there so long and saw all these things she wanted to try. I allowed her to choose one. So she and Pearl raced ducks for a heartbeat and then we got the heck out of Dodge. 

Perhaps this sign can slow the spread of Corona. Probably not with all the people there.

I wasn't a terrible mom. Instead of frolicking in germs, we went home and I popped popcorn and let the kids watch Witches. That is a better Halloween activity anyway.

Tyler had to stay late of course. But I think they called the event successful. They fed a ton of people.

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