Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Dance Anniversary

It is so cool that Camille lives in the same state again and she has been doing amazing things. Since she moved back, she turned her extremely large garage/shed into a dance fitness studio. She is so ambitious and amazing. She teaches classes and hires teachers. She runs it with her sister Stephanie. Remember Stephanie from Lake Powell? In August it was her one year anniversary of opening her studio. That is pretty boss!

She asked if I wanted to come for a free class and party. But she was hoping more that I would come take pictures. I don't really do pictures anymore, but Tyler's phone camera is nice enough, I told her I would come out and snap a few. 

It is neat because some of my friends that live near me have met Camille and now go to her classes or help teach. It is fun to mix friends.

June came with me to the class. She enjoys a good workout.

Here is some swag that Camille had on display. I love that she has gear with her logo.

For the party, she even had cookies made with her studio initials. I never got to try one, but they look cool.

Then the dance workout commenced. These ladies are dedicated.

Oh look, there's Stephanie.

It was nice and full. People overflowed the studio and were in the driveway. I call that a good turnout.

Here is Janille, one of my Spikeball buddies taking a water break. You can really work up a sweat, especially in August.

There were several different instructors doing different kinds of fitness. It probably lasted an hour and a half. And then time to stretch.

Camille was rocking her purple hair. I think it might be blue now. She even had a prize drawing and I won a tank top. That worked well, since June had borrowed one. We just took that one home.

Then we got some photos with friends. I would always play Spikeball first, but I like dance fitness a lot. 

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