Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Christmas Maker's Market

 Ivory got to participate in a new thing this year. Because of the pandemic, many businesses have suffered, and especially small businesses, like the crafters around town. There was a small Farmer's market that ran September through October, but the majority of craft fairs have been shut down.

A local business decided to try and spur some holiday revenue, so they hosted a Christmas Maker's Market. It was the first of its kind. There were booths with vendors, but there was also food trucks, Santa, and live entertainment. 

Ivory participated in this last part. Her choir group at school signed up to sing several numbers at the market. So we all tried to attend and listen.

There were some sound issues and the mikes weren't that great at the beginning. Ivory's choir sang Carol of the Bells, but you could really only hear the altos. (That is nice, the altos are not usually spotlighted.) I decided not to put video on here because it wasn't the best but here is Ivory singing.

There were some fun solo numbers by the girls. Those were probably my favorite, but Ivory didn't do one. She was over socializing with her friends. I'm glad she is a social butterfly. 

It was really cold that day. We didn't stay too long at the market because we were freezing. But we did get to see some fun things. Robyn and I wandered around together. We met Johan Twiss, a local author. He told us some Dad jokes and was disappointed that we knew most of them. (I am married to a pretty good dad joker.) His books looked very interesting and Robyn loved the morphed animal art. He gave us a free one to take home.

June and Ivory found some other interesting items. These wooden ornaments are pretty funny.

Most stuff was outside. but there was an indoor area with gingerbread houses. I abhor making gingerbread houses, but I can certainly admire the work others have done. These were my favorites.

We also saw Olaf and Anna. The guy who did Olaf's actions and voice was dedicated. He would not break character at all. Good for him, but annoying when you want to know how the puppeteering works.

It was a very fun afternoon, albeit cold. We left with some cute holiday earrings. Can one have too many holiday earrings? I don't think so. Especially not when there are so many pierced ears around here.

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