Wednesday, December 9, 2020

September Chatbook 2020

Guys!! I am so close to being caught up. It doesn't even seem real. Working from both ends was great. I didn't feel right doing the chatbooks out of order though, so I have a couple to put on here. It will be a whirlwind of random. But who doesn't love a little random. 

This stuff isn't from too long ago...just September, but sometimes it feels like a lifetime. Probably Covid has something to do with that. 

In Robyn's Seminary class, they had to make a mormonad. I think Robyn's is pretty amazing. Her teacher kept it since he liked it so much.

We love the Lays chips bags. They are funny and funnier when your kids hold them in front of their faces.

This was the reception when Dad came home from Louisiana. He was greatly missed. 

Such a happy baby.

When I took Daisy up into the canyon to do her birthday pictures, we saw some deer. I don't know what it is about deer, but I always want to catch a picture.

I thought someone edited this picture because it was so weird. Nope, it is just fruit snacks on Tyler's glasses.

I try to take all my kids to a play during the year. Robyn and I went to see Murder on the Orient Express. It was fantastic. 

I was walking around and spotted this little lizard. What you can't see very well (or really at all) is that his tail is bright blue. It was so cool. I stalked him to get a better picture, but he is a speedy little guy. 

I really like my front door with the special windows, especially when the sun shines in. I'm not sure I had ever seen this pattern before. Must be the angle of the sun.

Some people look down on you, but I don't think this is how they do it...

Tyler's group is still out helping the world. Very cool that they donate to schools. Schools sure can use it.

Sleeping beauty is all tuckered out.

So is Prince Charming.

Speaking of charming, Tyler's hair is an entity unto itself. It really does some interesting things. Like this wave. We just need a miniature surfer.

I think this might be a picture of the first crane. There were many more to come, but I think this was the first attempt. Not too shabby.

Grl Pwr!

Ivory's hair is so long she can wear it as a choker. I'm not sure how I feel about that.

June was nominated for Homecoming Court. They choose a girl and boy from every club. It just makes sense that June would be chosen for the Spikeball club. I'm didn't even know Janson until he was nominated, but he seems like a nice guy. They made a poster and a cake. Neither was chosen for Homecoming royalty, but they had fun.

Daisy loves to snuggle with her huge squishmallows. And apparently tuck them under her hoodie. I think she had Pearl punching her in the stomach to prove how soft, yet structural they can be.

Hi-yah! Pearl looks like the karate kid.

One of the Spikeball nets broke at the club, but I like that the kids had something to fix it. You can't let something as simple as a broken net slow down the game.

I like this photo of Robyn. I like the empty space where her cheek and glasses should meet.

Last but certainly not least is a friendly game of Twister. I've given up that game a long time ago, but it is nice that the girls still enjoy it.

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