Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Some Quick Henna Fun

I may have mentioned somewhere along the way that we have a lot of Henna in our freezer. I mean, a LOT. We usually don't think about it, but sometimes, someone remembers it is there and pulls it out to defrost. Then whoever wants, can get in on the action.

Robyn is always in demand. She did both my hand and Ivory's. Fun fact, if you put Henna on your nails, they will be dyed much longer than your skin. Ivory's skeleton hand looked so cool.

Robyn asked me to do a design for her. I was flattered, so I tried really hard. I used a reference of course, but I was super pleased with how it turned out. 

Pearl found the Henna later and decorated herself all over. Daisy and she also exchanged designs, but I don't think we got pictures of all of them. But here are a few.

Daisy did this really fun design on Dad's arm. Can you tell what it is? Headphones with a beat going through them. (Or in Tyler's case, it is probably a podcast.)

Sadly, Henna doesn't show up very well on Tyler. It tends to be very light. Maybe his skin just soaks it all in, or he is the wrong contrasting color. Who knows. We usually take our pictures before the paste is peeled off. All the designs are lighter afterward, but who remembers a camera later on?

That's all for now. I'm sure there will be more Henna in our future based on the amount still in the freezer.

1 comment:

  1. What talented kids - and that scorpion you did shows you have quite a bit of it yourself. Wonder what kind of design you would paint on me? Hope we have a chance to find out some day.
