Saturday, December 5, 2020

Spikebrite and the Week of June

June turned 18 this year. I wanted to make it a special event, but I wasn't exactly sure how to do that. I thought about having the 'week of June' where we would give her a gift each day for a week leading up to her birthday. But I decided I didn't want to worry about remembering a gift a day.

Then one of her gifts came in the mail and she saw it. So I HAD to give it to her early, so we went with the week of June after all.

Some of her gifts were a phone, games, and this fun apron. It is very accurate. June is always sweet.

I took her a boutique and she choose a super cute sweater.

June was very happy to get a new phone. Her other had some issues. 

You would think the phone would be the favorite gift, but I'm pretty sure the fav by far was Spikebrite. It is a glow in the dark attachment that clips on to your Spikeball net. It does raise the rim just a bit, but it allows you to play in the dark, so it is totally worth it.

I think it is easiest to play if there is still a little bit of ambient light. But you can play in the pitch black. The glow in the dark ball is easy to see. However, the other players are much harder to see in the dark. We didn't run into each other much more than usual, but what you realize is that people telegraph their hits through body language. With no light, you can't always tell where people are going to hit it. You just have to watch the glowing ball.

These pictures are funny because it looks like Tyler painted on them with some photo editing software. But it is just the ball. 

The video is better at showing that in actuality, you can't see much besides the ball and the rim. 

June loves Spikebrite. She used it on her birthday (an upcoming post) and sadly, it isn't as handy in the winter because it is cold, but I bet it gets some great use next year.

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