Wednesday, April 14, 2021

The Wedding of the Season

The voodoo doll at work misses having Robyn around to change her outfits frequently. But luckily, Robyn still comes over with me from time to time and dresses her up. She came over with me in February and really went crazy with a full display. 

Here is voodoo bride. Very lovely dress and I love her train. 

Robyn even built columns so the bride had somewhere to welcome guests. 

And then as a final thing, she put a little sign asking for gifts. 

I thought that was pretty fun, so the next day Daisy and I made some presents to put nearby. 

I have no clue if anyone ever notices the voodoo doll and her wardrobe changes, but this time around, someone definitely got involved. I came back the next day and someone thought the bride needed a bit more. They added hair, lips, earrings, and a big bling ring. Nice.

They also were curious who she was marrying and they added some posh gifts. Fancy gift givers are tight.

I have no idea who this person was who was contributing, but it was sure fun to see the things they added. I added a veil, since it seemed that was missing.

Not to be outdone, the anonymous contributor added a groom. Boom. On another shelf was a little bug Robyn made out of flexible wire. Add a top hat and you get instant groom. Quite debonair. It reminds me of the Bob Dylan song. If Froggie can marry Miss Mousey, than the Voodoo doll can marry the green bug. 

The ladies in the front office saw the set up one day and were adamant that the bride needed a crock pot and toaster, the most common wedding gifts. Nicely done ladies.

Daisy added some eyes later because she thought voodoo doll should be able to see all her lovely gifts. It was quite the production. Really the wedding of the season. If you didn't get your invitation, I'm sorry. Just know that voodoo doll is very accepting and loves you all. 

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