Sunday, May 30, 2021

Bringing Back the Memories?

I feel like everyone grew up with a skating place nearby. Mine was called Skate King and I have fantastic memories of skate nights and birthday parties there. It is gone now, revamped into a postal office and I feel bad for all the elementary kids around there. 

But my kids still have a skate place here where we live. It has slowly changed with the times (meaning you can have scooters as well as skates) but it still has that nice retro feel to it. I don't go very often to skate night. I send the kids with friends or with Tyler. But I love to see the pictures that come back. It brings back waves of nostalgia. 

What do you think? Do these pictures bring back any memories?

What was your favorite part of skating? My favorite was the big dice game, where you skated to different corners and they rolled the big die to get people out. Do they still play that?

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