Sunday, May 2, 2021

Wrapping up UVYSO

I'm so glad that June had an opportunity to play with UVYSO. When she decided not to play at school, I was worried she wouldn't have an outlet to expand her talents. Playing in a youth symphony has been great, although she is also ready to be done and claim back her Saturdays. 

In February, there was the concerto concert, where the symphony is background and a handful of students play solos. These is still plenty of music to learn, but I doubt it is as exciting. 

You would think they would have only string instrument solos (and strings do have the most) but there are also trumpet, harp, piano, and flute solos. It is pretty cool.

It was a good evening. Pearl fell asleep right away and Daisy lasted until the last song. That is a record for her. ;)

June's final concert was in April. Tyler took a photo while the director was talking and I was trying to decide why. It must be because you can see June just behind her. 

The symphony did something I've never seen before. They invited dancers to come and perform while they played certain songs. I would say it was a huge success because my kids stayed awake for the whole concert. 

They didn't have dancers for every song, and that was fine. They also traded around conductors and that was fun too. My favorite was a whole song of plucking, which we didn't get a picture of. But I believe the man conducting, also conducted that same song when they first organized UVYSO. (He did look a bit older.)

At the end, they also had a guest pianist come play. He was amazing. It was a long song, but made more impressive by the fact that it was very complicated and he had the whole thing memorized. 

They also had a moment where they recognized the seniors who will be leaving this year, but I'm not sure how well that was organized since they didn't have June (or Hannah) on that list. They sorta skipped them. Afterward, I guess the lady felt bad and gave them some of her own flowers, because June came out with a gerber Daisy. I don't think she felt bad, but it is always nice to be recognized.

I hope that June will continue to play throughout her life. Maybe she'll play in college, or perhaps join a local group. I have no idea. But I sure hope she doesn't stop playing. It is a beautiful thing to play an instrument. 

I found these pictures later on June's phone. Cuties.

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