Sunday, June 27, 2021

Art Theme: Chaos

The submissions are minimal, but I really like what we've gotten so far. I imagine we'll get some more things towards the end of summer. As I went on vacation this last week, I understand why some people don't have time for art. Life can get very busy. In fact, it can get a bit chaotic.

Let's see what people thought of when you say the word CHAOS...

I really have no idea what is happening in this piece, which means it captures chaos very well. Take a gander and see what you think.

Chaos by Robyn Cazier

I love this explosion that Pearl did.

Sonic Boom by Pearl Cazier

The idea behind my piece is that a world where people only talked would be chaotic, but most people just called it 'creepy.'

Planet Chaos by Maleen Cazier

Daisy's idea was awesome. She had Loki change all the logos back to their original design. I recognized some, but not others. Who knew Google was originally called BackRub?

Loki Ruins the Internet by Daisy Cazier

I love Maya's piece. It gives the feel of being pulled in different directions. How can you choose?

Chaos by Maya Francis

I think we can all feel a bit of connection with Lilly. This is definitely also some of my kids' lives.

My Life by Lilly Francis

Nicely done everyone. Stay tuned for Name Art next week.

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