Monday, June 14, 2021

Live Performance!!

It was really nice when they started to have live performances again. I feel bad that the kids had to still wear masks while singing. I have only sung in a mask at church and I thought it was terrible. But these kids sang in masks all year. Props.

Mrs. Wagstaff is a great teacher, but sometimes her song choice is a bit strange. That's okay. I still enjoyed the concert a lot. June and I were able to attend the first half with Daisy and then Tyler and Pearl joined us a little later for the second half with Ivory. 

Daisy did Madrigals this year which is the all girls choir. They had some beautiful pieces and I loved that they added a flute in one. Daisy has a great soprano voice. She also introduces their first piece.

Ivory did early morning advance girls choir and then also acapella. She has a really lovely alto voice and I hope she continues to sing through High School. 

Sorry you can't really see Ivory in the videos. She is sort of at the wrong angle. But here she is with her cute friends after the concert. 

It was a great evening, and despite the wearing of masks, I was happy to be back watching the kids sing.

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