Tuesday, July 27, 2021

My Favorite Dance

In early April, they did the Senior Dance showcase at the High School. It is pretty neat. All the seniors in any of the dance groups do their own choreography and often a solo. Ivory is not close to being a senior yet, but they also did a team number because it was choreography done by Amy, a senior. I put it on here before in another dance post, but this was the first time they performed it and it is one of my favorites. It is a lovely dance. Ivory is on the back left.

That was the only dance Ivory had to do, but I think she did a great job. I got some pictures of her afterwards with some of her friends. What a cutie.

June, being a Senior herself, has friends in the dance groups. Her good friends Olivia and Eve were both showcased that evening. They were amazing. Here is a photo behind the scenes and another of Eve afterward.

Dance is such a wonderful sport to watch. I respect you soccer moms (deeply) but I'll take a theater any day. 

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