Saturday, August 14, 2021

Hunting and Cracking in Style

We did all our Easter stuff on one day. June and I were out of town on the actual Easter day, but we usually do the hunt the day before, so I guess it doesn't matter when you do it. At least the girls didn't seem to mind that we were a bit behind. 

It just so happened that I was practicing prom hairdos on that day. I was trying to find one I liked and the girls are good guinea pigs. Ivory has so much hair, it is hard to squish it into an up-do. :) But they all looked lovely.

Then we had our egg hunt. I recall that I threw my  back out the day before, so I had Tyler and June help me hide the eggs. But June kept hiding the wrong color in the wrong places, so by the time we were done, everyone had a new color to look for. (The eggs all have the same things in them.) K kids, get your buckets and let's do this. 

They were all hidden inside the house and each girl had a different color to find. I like it much more that way than everyone looking for the same eggs. There were also a few other random gifts that the girls could pick up. No one seems to outgrow the hunt. June still likes it as much as everyone else.

Tyler was hunting for other things, like sustenance. Nothing like a peanut butter sandwich after all that hard work hiding eggs.

We still had the camo eggs, although Tyler forgot to mark where they were so we didn't find them all. (They'll turn up eventually.) Daisy was our big winner, finding the fiver.

I hid some games for the kids to find. We played some of them that day and by far JUST ONE was our favorite. That game is quite fun.

But it didn't end there. We also had our Crack Off that day. We haven't had friend or school Crack Offs for a while because of Covid, but Tyler did have a Crack Off at work where his eggs depicted his epic battle with the ice machine.

We used the same color packets that we used in Washington, so we had the nice bright colors again. Here are everyone's eggs from youngest to oldest.

Time to judge these bad boys. Do you have a favorite?

Tyler's Roxy egg was the clear winner, although I like to call him Orko. I came in second and June was third.

They were all so lovely. But beauty fades, or in this case is smashed to pieces. 

The Crack Off is always a fun competition. Tyler took us by storm. I mentioned that in Washington I'd never seen the same egg win both competitions, but we almost had the same thing here. Except that Tyler won with his other egg. Close enough.

Good job you winners. 

Then the only thing left for these eggs is egg salad. It looks like Death comes to us all. 

Happy Easter everyone!

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