Saturday, November 6, 2021

Carving Warts and All

Ready for my second 'mom fail' of the season? I can't be too careful. If I don't throw in some errors, I'm bound to get Mom-of-the-year for sure. :) 

We did our pumpkin carving and I didn't find out until too late that we never took pictures of some of the finished products. Which is a super bummer since some of them were awesome. What can I say? My camera is not excellent so I rely on others. And everyone gets busy. 

But we still have lots of fun shots. The girls did pumpkin carving for mutual. Ivory did an awesome toothpick smile on hers. And Robyn did a classic face that I really like.

We planned to get our pumpkins from Wilkerson's farm, like last year. Tyler's HIVE group was going to do an event, but it was rained out twice. We had a pretty rainy October. So we had to go on our own time to get pumpkins. But guess what...all the pumpkins were still there and we found some good ones. It's serious business finding a pumpkin.

I really liked this truck we parked near. It's great when people get into the spirit.

June got to do some extra carving as well. She went over to Isaac's and they did a downright bullish pumpkin. 

Isaac's sister is a craftsman as well. This pumpkin has a lot going on.

We may not get quite that complex, but we do enjoy our time together.

June and Dad choose rather warty pumpkins and Pearl chose a grey one. All of them were SUPER  thick. But they all soldiered through and made it work. They used the drill at some points to make it through the thick exterior.

We ended up with so many fun pumpkins.

Not pictured: Ivory's super cool hollowed out teeth pumpkin, Daisy's throwing up pumpkin, and June and Isaac's sticking out it's tongue pumpkin. 

What can I say? I'm not sure what happened. I think it had to do with the pumpkin head photo shoot that will be on here next. 

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