Monday, November 8, 2021

Tumbling Showcase

Pearl has been tumbling for a few years. She switched gyms in the fall of 2020 and has been having a good time at Exceleration. I could see marked improvement in her tumbling and she gained skills she never had before, like her back tuck. 

At the end of the season in May, there was a showcase to let all the kids show off their skills. Pearl's tumbling group put together a performance and did such a cute job.

Here she is waiting for her group's turn.

We didn't get any great pictures. You can see Pearl second from the right here.

And here she is going into a back bend.

Now watch the fun video. See if you can keep track of her.

Then we watched a cheer group afterward. They were awesome. 

It was so fun to watch that we signed Pearl up for cheer. Now she is killer good and I can't wait to see her perform next month. Her skills have gotten much better from this last performance in May. 

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