Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Bye Oregon!

This is gonna be uncharacteristically short cuz it's 3:30 in the morning and I'm getting picked up in just a couple minutes to go to the airport.

But I had an awesome week! A couple highlights:

Going to the Portland temple! It's one of the most beautiful places ever and I'm so glad I got to spend one last time in the temple before I leave for the DR!

Finding a new person this week! 

An awesome devotional by Elder Pingree about the Atonement

An awesome devotional by our prophet and his wife which I hope you were all able to watch! If not look it up on churchofjesuschrist.org cuz it is worth watching! Also I got to see a few of my friends in the choir so that was awesome! Way to go Hermana Keen, Christina, Liv, Irving, Brielle, and Jac!

This last transfer has been so awesome! I'm so grateful for my awesome companions who grinded with me. We got a lot done. They're staying in Roseburg, so I know I'm leaving all of our people in good hands!

I sure am gonna miss Oregon. I am so glad I got to come to this mission and meet the people I did and have the experiences I have had!

And now my ride is here, so bye! Next time you hear from me I will be in a pretty different place hopefully not drowning in superrápido español. But even if I am drowning, when Peter started to sink, he called, "Lord, save me!" And Jesus immediately caught Him. If that's the pattern in the scriptures, I'm not too worried. :)

Con amor, Hermana Cazier 

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