Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Father's Day 2021

I see what is happening here. I am officially almost a year behind. June is going to creep up and I'll be 365 days behind schedule. That's pretty bad. I'm not sure what my best course of action is. I could just double up and do back to back posts. Like when your phone says, "This day one year ago."

However, I'll get Father's day on here before it happens again. Naturally I can't remember what all transpired on Father's Day. I imagine we showered Tyler with love and reminded him that he is just about the coolest dad out there. We got him some cool t-shirts.

The shirt isn't entirely accurate. If you follow Tyler on social media, you will see that he tells Dad jokes WAY MORE than periodically. 

I believe we did the Dad challenge where Tyler tries to hold everyone at once. However, I have NO idea where Daisy is? Was she sick? Is she clinging to his back? Was she in ID?

Anyway, in just a few short weeks, we'll celebrate Tyler again. I'll tell you about it in 2023, I'm sure.

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