Sunday, May 8, 2022

Mother's Day 2022

I really enjoy Mother's Day. It isn't about getting gifts or people making dinner (although I do love that), but I happen to have a wonderful mother and I love BEING a mother. My kids are pretty awesome. 

Today was a really touching day for me. I got up and got to chat with my mom over Skype so it was a good start to the day. Daisy and Pearl made breakfast for me and who doesn't want a strawberry shake for  breakfast. It was delicious.

Ivory put up streamers for me that spelled Mom. I've never seen this before and I thought it was super creative. 

Church was great. The girls sang and Robyn played the piano and it was stunning. She did an amazing job! And then I left early to chat with my missionary. June sent a package and a letter that made me cry. She included a super adorable apron that I will wear often and think of her. 

I ended up cooking all the food today. I made bread in the afternoon and cake for FHE treat. I really don't mind cooking, so that was fine. And I always know that if I ask, others will help out. The cake was quite the project. It turned out fairly well, considering it included ice cream and cookies.

The family got me some gifts. Pearl always makes the cutest cards and I got a food processor. I've wanted one for ages. Bet you can't believe I didn't already have one, since I have plenty of kitchen gadgets.

Robyn often takes a Sunday Selfie. I love that she captures moments on Sunday. This one makes me smile. 

And really, in the end, these are the things that make Mother's Day all worth it. (June was kind enough to send a selfie for today too.)

Happy Mother's Day to all the lovely women I know. You make the world brighter by being in it.

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