Sunday, June 19, 2022

Bear Lake Part 1 2021

(July 22-24, 2021)

It has been a while since this trip happened, so my memories are probably out of order and such. But it was a load of fun and it needs to go on the blog. So you get the trip in two parts. (That's mainly so I can split up the pictures)

We try to do a Cazier day of Fun each year. I think this was supposed to be it, but I don't feel like we spent enough time with the Js for it to count. Regardless, we were at Bear Lake, so we had a load of fun. We've been doing Bear Lake since 2019. Sure, that's only a few years, but I'm determined to make it part of the summer every year now.

We arrived a little earlier than everyone else. We tried out the water to make sure it was suitable for our relatives. (We are generous like that) In the evening we headed to our condo. It is the same place we stayed last time. It is a bit pricey, but I love the location and how nice it is. 

The first evening we played some games and we did some fun styles with hair. Can you see our stash of snacks in the last photo. Vacation demands some good munchies.

I like staying somewhere with a kitchen because then we can make real food. It's too expensive to eat out all the time.

We got Daisy back on this trip. Granny V had broken her foot and we sent Daisy up to stay for almost a month with her, making her meals and keeping her company. It was really nice to get Daisy back. And she came back with the coolest project. They had worked on a quilt up in Idaho and Daisy had some amazing quilt squares to show us.

The next morning dawned and we scarfed some yummy breakfast...

...right before heading back to the lake. Yay, more sun and sand. The water level was really low. You had to drive pretty far to get to the water line. But that gave us lots of room to play Spikeball. We also spent a lot of time on the paddle boards. (Yep, we finally bought a couple of our own.) But most of the pictures are playing in the sand because no one takes a camera out in the water. 

We did take a break during the day to go grab fries and shakes at the nearby only restaurant. (Actually, there was a floating burger place on the lake, but we skipped that. Maybe next time.) The fry/shake place was super tasty. I liked the tater tots more than the fries. Delicious. There were pineapple decorations on the floor in fun colors. June found one that matched her shoes.

They also had some other fun knick knacks.

We take so many selfies that sometimes people get tired of it and make faces. See if you can spot the culprits.

Super yummy.

Then back to the beach for just a little bit. I don't think we built this, but I love the little stairways. They looks like little fairy beach shacks.

When we got back to the condo, the Ks had arrived. Our plan was dinner and a show, but we had time for a few rounds of pickleball. We are all a bunch of novices, but that doesn't mean it isn't fun.

We had our own cheerleading section.

Kaysen being Kaysen, but don't try to steal his seat. He will physically remove you.

Then we all went over to the playhouse. We did the dinner and show combined. The food was actually really good, as was the entertainment of KJ doing one armed pullups. 

The show was Peter Pan. The actor who played Pan was quite muscular. Gone are the days of skinny girls playing Peter Pan. It was an okay play. Not my favorite, but not too bad. I enjoyed the guy who played Captain Hook the most. He sounded and acted like Preminger. (You've got to be a hard core Barbie movie fan to know that reference.)

Amazingly, we still had energy to play some games in the evening. Good times. One of the best was playing JUST ONE and watching Kolby try to figure out the name of a movie character. It was right on the tip of his tongue.

That's enough fun for now. Next time, we'll go through the caves and then hit the beach again.

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