Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Curiouser and Curiouser

It has been a long time since we have gone to the Museum of Curiosity. The kids' memories make it a magical place, but I was pretty sure they would be a little too old to feel the same way. But it would also make for a good distraction on a lazy Monday, so we went for it.

I had the three regular monkeys. (Robyn was hanging out in CA at FSY, which she already posted about!)

The Rainforest always seems to be the most exciting with the bridges and interactive animal stuff, so we went there first.

We did the high jump. Everyone did pretty well, but I claimed the highest jump, thank you very much. Only by one inch, but I'll take it.

The sloth hang is always a favorite. They made me go first so everyone could beat my score. Whatever makes the kids happy. :)

Then they made me crawl around through all the kid climbing area. I made it but I'm just not as young as I used to be. We paused for a photo on the bridge.

Then I escaped. The kids went back in and instead, I went to the other thing. I can't remember what it is called, but it is a cool maze with little challenges inside. You complete each one and then check your answer at the Mind's Eye. Naturally, I got them all correct. 

It was fun to watch the kids go through later. They did really well. The only station they struggled on was smell. (That was actually tricky for me too) They guessed cinnamon, but it was chocolate.

Then over to Water Works.

We didn't stay here long. I don't think the girls wanted to get very wet. But we did play in the wind tunnel for a bit.

Next, out to the garden.

It was such a nice day to be outside. So we played. 

They still have the fun little zip sit. There is a weight limit, but guess what? I was under the limit, so you bet your bippy that I rode on that thing. 

We went into the "maze." There weren't that many turns or twists, but Pearl did a great a"maze"d face for me.

There was a pond out there. Ivory and I went to stand by the edge to watch the fish. There were a few koi out there. But we must have been standing in the feeding spot because a few turned into more and then there were dozens coming our way. I felt bad because we didn't have any food for them. :(

You can also view them from under the water which was pretty cool.

Earlier, we had seen signs for the Thanksgiving Point Gardens and how they have new big dinosaurs there. Well, the Museum Garden butts up against the bigger Gardens and we could see some of the dinosaurs. They were automatons and they moved and made noise. They were pretty cool.

We still had a couple more stops, so we went back indoors to Kidopolis. Daisy was busy losing a tooth, so I stepped aside to make a phone call while the kids went in. (When you lose a tooth and it has a bracket attached to it, you have to call the orthodontist to get your tooth out.)

We went through the area rapidly. I still like the stop motion video area. And it is always fun to find the hidden entrance into the bank. In the matching game, I made 15 dollars and some change. Nothing compared to Daisy, who matched the hundred.

We played with the strange mirrors. It was really funny since one had a ripple effect. Ivory didn't realize how it worked. She could see that when she blinked, her eyelids didn't blink at the same time. She thought that the action was slowed down, so she told me later that she thought her eyelids actually blinked at different times. :) Hahaha.  

Last stop was the extra area. They had a lot of NASA stuff in there. I actually enjoyed reading through a lot of the info and doing the challenges. The girls just made the cool paper airplanes and tried them out to see whose would go furthest. Let's just say that my expertly folded plane did not do so well against the competition. You win some and you lose some.

It's about time to wrap up this day of fun and exploration. Although it was not the experience they remember as kids, it was still fun to relive some old memories and make some new ones. In the end, spending time together is the most important thing. 

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