Monday, June 27, 2022

FSY California Edition!

    Guest Blogger Beau (Robyn)   
    I had the opportunity to go to FSY in California last week. TBH I did not wanna go and I was not at all excited. I only picked California because it wasn't in Utah, and I would have the chance to go surfing at the end of FSY. I drove the whole 12ish hours to Santa Barbra and the next day dad helped me check in. 
    Once I met my roommate tho, I knew it was gonna be a decent week (I did not want to admit this at the time tho) Everyday we had a morning devotional with just our group, and an evening reflection period. This made it really easy for me to know all the girls names. 

(Round the circle, Maddy, Quin, Beau, Eliza, Emma, Ashley, Taleya, Maddy, Grace)

  Enter: boys. They were honestly hilarious! Any moment around them was never a dull one. Starting day one they would all simultaneously start singing bohemian rhapsody. Even when the counselors went up to them and literally said 'SHUT UP' they would just switch to I am a child of God, equally loud. This was at any moment too. They probably sang the first half of that song 15 times. (That was also due to the fact that they couldn't quite remember the lyrics so they just kept singing the mama part) Other songs they sang included: Another one bites the dust, and I think some by panic at the disco. 

(Dallin, Jacob)


(Jeremy, Dallin, Guillermo, Aaron)

    Our group was the loudest by a long shot. The first day we met the boys they were chanting their counselors name like he was a celebrity. And by the end of the week, everyone knew who he was because we made sure that he was chosen for every possible thing. We would just start chanting GUILLERMO!!! GUILLERMO!!! (ge-yair-mo) 

   Day 3 was games day. And we had to make a banner that related to our company name as well as a chant or little skit. Our name was Go and Do, but others included things like 'Energy of Heart', 'Those who Hearken' etc. 

    We decided that, obviously, we had to include Guillermo somehow because he was basically the mascot of  FSY. So we ended up having him be on the banner standing next to Nephi. 
    I should probably mention that I had been doodling off and on throughout the week, and basically everyone thought I was Da Vinci because I could draw basically anything in a span of 5 minutes. So, naturally, they had me draw Guillermo

(Fun Fact, I was standing next to Connor, and he was sticking his butt way into my business)

    And of course we won. Like how could we not? Our chant was also the boys singing Let it Go (and Do) as loud as they possibly could. At the end of the week, we were even nominated to perform our skit for the whole camp.

    Earlier I mentioned that I could draw anything in the span of 5 minutes... and my company began to realize that this was actually in fact INSANELY COOL. So I started 'tattooing' anyone and everyone who wanted anything. By the end of FSY, most of the people in our company had at least 1 tattoo, if not multiple. And the girls even started an instagram account for my art, and a couple random people DMed me and asked for their portrait done. And some of them even paid me. Y'all I made bank at FSY. 




    There was also another Instagram account that grew very very popular. We had many classes during the days while we were there, and ngl some of them were a little hard to focus and even stay awake through. Not to dis on any of the instructors or anything, but after like 4 classes, everyone was pretty drowsy. So somebody started a page called FSY_sleeps. And basically if you caught anyone sleeping ANYWHERE, you took a picture and sent it to FSY_sleeps and in less than an hour, there would be a post with your picture in it. 



    Connor was a pro at this. At being photographed while he was sleeping that is. He made it on the page 5 times last he checked.

    All in all, FSY was stupidly fun. I didn't think it would be, but by the second day I found myself absoluetly loving everyone around me and not wanting to leave. It just makes me so sad that all my friends live in California because I can't see them hardly at all. Here's just a couple more group photos that I love with all my heart <3

(Awkward Family Photo) (We also won this)

(Maddy, Ty, Beau, Jonah, Layne *log*)

(Highest row: Jake, Jonah, Aaron, Taleya, Quin, Shauney
Inbetween row: Layne, Beau, Maddy, Jeremy, Ashely
Middle row: Trenton, Connor, Belle, Eliza, Ashley, Maddy, Julie, Grace, America
Floor: Stephanie, Guillermo)

(Food there: SO GOOD. 6 different meal options everyday, ice cream whenever you wanted it)

    Lol I forgot to mention that the guys made so many memes with lds "Pick up lines" so enjoy these little treasures.

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