Monday, June 6, 2022

One Day of Golf Per Year

(June 17th, 2021)

We aren't a big golfing family. In fact, we only go once a year, when Tyler's work hosts their summer event. I have yet to be invited to this golf day. This year, June will be gone, so maybe I'll get an invite.

Meanwhile, Tyler uses the day as a fun chance to play golf and hang with the girls. He just needs to get more involved in the selfies. 

I think they all had a great time. They found a cat, drove around carts, and all played a fairly mediocre game of golf. Sounds wonderful to me!

Tyler, who clearly has the most skill out of all of us, won, but I heard Robyn came in second. This doesn't surprise me since (if you recall) she tied with me in mini golf during Ivory's birthday. I don't know if they are doing the golf again this year. I hope so. It's our ONE TIME for golf.

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