Thursday, June 9, 2022

Robyn's Senior Pictures Gallery

(April 9th, 2022)

I was about to blog about Robyn's graduation and then I realized I hadn't even put her Senior Pictures on here. (Some things should stay in order.) So you get some fun pictures of her today. She had some solid ideas of how she wanted her pictures done. We changed outfits and even did two different shoots so she could wear her hair different ways. I'm impressed she could DO her hair different ways. This was just a week after she cut it, so it was still super short. But she looked good. I'm just combining both shoots into one post of course.

Robyn is beautiful and her personality sure shines through. I'm so glad she is in our family.

I tried to get a picture with her by the weird bunny photo spot down in the Riverwoods, but she wasn't thrilled with it. Truthfully, it was a pretty silly photo spot. (Hence the sullen face.)

But we had a great time. Some interesting moments were down by the tracks. We found a skeleton of an animal. It's not often that you find bones of something. There were also a billion goat heads down there. The shoes I wore picked up every single one I stepped on. We both took a shoe and pulled out around a hundred each. Ouch. I can still feel a few in there that broke off. 

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