Monday, June 27, 2022

Shout Out for Dad

(June 19th, 2022)

I've learned not to overthink Father's Day. Tyler doesn't really want a lot of hullabaloo. He doesn't mind a gift here and there, but it is often better to let him pick it out. Which is exactly what I did this year. He mentioned that he wanted a new grill. We've had a little charcoal Weber since we were married.

But with a charcoal grill, you have to plan in advance to let the coals warm up. Tyler was ready for the next level. So I gathered all the kids up and we took Dad around to different places to find his new beauty.

Tyler eventually found what he wanted at Home Depot. I admit that I was a little bored. I was a little tired and trying to entertain a couple kids while Tyler found just what he wanted. Outside Home Depot there were some birds nesting in the rafters. (I feel like a lot of the big home improvement stores house birds—inside and out.) We spent some time watching them and then somehow the conversation turned to bird poop and how Grandma Dargan has been lucky enough to be pooped on. (It is lucky, look it up.)

From there, Robyn said she would give me or Pearl $10 if a bird pooped on us. That's an easy $10. Well, it's easy to stand under a bird, but much harder to get it to poop on you. But we dutifully tried. That is me and Pearl and can you look above us to see the mark? (Or are we the mark?)

Regardless, we sat there for a long time, shifting slightly when the bird adjusted. It definitely seemed a fruitless endeavor, until suddenly Pearl smiled and said, "It pooped on me" and sure enough, there was the smallest amount of bird poop on her shirt. Robyn was as good as her word and paid Pearl $10, but she was rather disappointed at the quantity of poop distributed by the bird.

But enough about birds...let's get back to Dad. He found his grill and we took it home. It looks great, doesn't it? We tried it out that week and I will attest that Tyler is still the best griller in the west.

On actual Father's Day, we also got Tyler some bath bombs. These ones smelled really good and we all know that Dad loves a good bath. (This one here smells great...smells like Mother's crazy sister Kate.) (Serious props if you get that reference.)

Then just a couple pictures with the pretties. 

I should probably mention his amazing hair. Tyler is known for his hair having a style of its own. And we're glad it didn't disappoint on his special day.

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