Monday, July 18, 2022

Leave Your Area Stronger Than You Found It...

What's up guys? For me, just living the dream talking about Jesus Christ every single hour of every single day. Never gets old because His love never gets old.

We had an exchange this week! That was super fun. I love becoming a better teacher, and I think one of the best ways to do that as a missionary is to see someone else teach so you can notice some of the awesome ways that they bring the Spirit and teach for understanding and start implementing them into your own work.

We totally reactivated a member. She hasn't come in a while but we started meeting with her and quickly somehow got onto way deeper topics than "hey, you should come back to church." We asked her to pray and think about getting her patriarchal blessing and maybe even serving a mission. She came to church and even an indexing activity that was pretty poorly planned and advertised

I've been thinking about the line in Preach My Gospel that tells us to leave our area stronger than when we found it. And how do you do that? Basically by working with the members. The already strong ones, the ones that need some help, the inactive ones, and the new ones. It's also awesome to bring in new members by baptizing. But only if they're gonna be good members. Our ward here in Las Antillas has had 15 baptisms in the last several months. That's insanely awesome. But it sounds a lot less cool when you follow it up with "only three of them are still active". It's kinda hard sometimes as a missionary to spend time on members because areabook doesn't count that towards reaching any goal. But that's strengthening the ward and I think that's almost more important. Reactivating Yandra this week was so rewarding. Because I know she actually has the desire. I didn't have to talk her into it, she came of her own free will and went above and beyond. The guy I helped baptize a few weeks ago is now inactive. He moved so I don't have a ton of control over that but it still hurts to know that I helped to create an inactive member.

Alma 5:62 tells us that it's just an invitation to come unto Christ if you're talking to someone who's not a member. But it's a commandment if you're talking to someone who is a member. So we've gotta get our game together and start making a stronger effort to help those people come unto Christ too and not ignore them because they're already members of the fold.

Also missionary work is an amazing way to strengthen members. We're gonna try to use members every single day this week in lessons with our friends. I just wrote that goal to like 130 people so hopefully that'll keep me quite accountable to it.

Love you guys! The work is awesome and the church is TRUE. Sorry this one's pretty short... haha you guys are probably relieved it's not ten pages this time. :)

Hermana Cazier


1. my exchange with the amazing Hermana Biddulph

2. the view from the street we're on every day

3. my comp and I

4. us making short work of a watermelon

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