Friday, August 19, 2022

Muchos Milagros

 Okay!!! Lots to say but not much time to say it.

We got our transfer news. This transfer was such a good one. Hermana Anderson is so awesome and we built a solid friendship and did some solid work in these last six weeks. I grew a lot and learned a lot from her. 

And now I'm headed to a place called Navarrete to follow up train a newish missionary! She's got one transfer under her belt and now I get to finish her training. I'm pretty excited about it and I think I'm gonna learn a lot in this next transfer. I hope Hermana Cook will also be able to learn some good things from me. :)

We had a solid week here though. Franchesca came to church again yesterday. Then we had a lesson at her house in the afternoon to teach her about the Book of Mormon. She was really invested and wanted to know everything and asked us lots of questions. Baptism kinda came up as we were explaining but neither one of us felt a really strong prompting to invite her, so we finished the lesson. Then at the end, she asked if she could be baptized. Guys, that was so cool. The Spirit spoke to her heart. We didn't have to explain why baptism is important or what that will do for her in her life. She felt it herself and took the initiative. She's going to get baptized on August 27th.

Also we literally saw some prayers answered this week. We started fasting Saturday afternoon and one of the things we fasted for was to find our friend Josés. He came to church last Sunday but his phone was broken so we had no way to find him this week and our plan was basically to hope we ran into him. Lo and behold, all things are possible with God. We were actually kinda far away from the part of our area we normally walk in, but we both felt like we should take a different way home. And there he was. We got to get his phone number again and contact a few of his friends. He told us he couldn't come to church because of work, which was sad, but it was so much better finding that out before church than thinking we had a solid guy who just didn't show up.

Also one day we wanted to go out with members. We scheduled to go with our friend Melissa who's 20 and her little sister Melanny who's like 14. but when we knocked on their door no one answered. We called them both and they didn't pick up. So we said a prayer cuz we honestly didn't know what to do but we really wanted something to work. Then we called their mom and she gave us the home phone number (didn't know that was a thing here but apparently it is for this family). And Melanny answered. She came out and said she would go with us, but the thing is that we aren't allowed to take kids younger than 16 with us. But get this! Turns out she's actually 18. She just looks like she's 13. We had no idea. But God answered that prayer literally 18 years ago. Talk about all knowing.

As far as fruit excitement goes, we were given like 20 guayabas (guavas) this week. Pink ones. I have decided guayaba is one of my favorite fruits. You can eat the whole thing too. Skin, fruit, and seeds. Although the seeds are really hard and there's lots of them so it's kinda tricky. We made piña guayaba juice out of them.

Also my comp and I ate 17 guineos (bananas) in four days. I ate most of them but she did contribute.

And someone gave us jagua juice. I don't think jagua has an English word, it just is. But I wish it just wasn't because it's horrible. It has a really strong flavor that I don't know how to describe. Kind of bitter? Sort of like tamarindo but way worse? A member gave it to us so we both had to chug what we could, chase it with a cracker as fast as possible, and say, "Wow Ramona, you make the best juice!" 

Oh we also tried cane juice. It was really sweet. Obviously. The flavor was basically just 'sweet'. It was pretty good.

Les amo! Have a great week. Look for miracles and don't look for jaguas!

Hermana Cazier

I have more than this but I can't figure out how to get them on here for some reason.

1. look at the size of these piñas

2. Lots of guayabas

3. Some friends I said bye to this week, Rusmairy, Danisha, y Denisha.

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