Monday, August 29, 2022

Renovations to Carnegie Hall

(August 7th, 2021)

I know I've mentioned this before, but we name our rooms; at least most of them. The kitchen is just the kitchen. (Boring, I know.) But we have Midgard, Atlantis, and then the most presumptuous...Carnegie Hall. Since the piano is in there, I can truthfully say that all my kids have played in Carnegie Hall. 

Last summer. we did some renovations to Carnegie Hall. It has always been a room with not enough light. There were actually NO lights in the room. It was wired, so you could set up lamps and the switches would turn them on and off if they were plugged in, but no overhead lighting. I'm not a fan. I love light. 

Tyler already did the can lights in Atlantis, so it was time to do a set upstairs as well.

Oh, and we painted too, because we had finished the library the month before and it was right next door. So we did that too. I've never been a huge fan of the yellow walls.

We also had this large crack running down from the window seat, so Tyler fixed that as well. He is quite an excellent handyman, which you may not expect from a computer nerd.

We had a lot of help from the girls again. 

The wiring was a little tricky, but after a lot of pictures of duct work (which I won't show you here) Tyler got it all figured out. And he had the kids do some of the work too.

Looks like we just need some final touches. 

Don't you think the gray looks better?

Then the lights went in just in time for the art show. Beautiful!

I know gray is a much cooler color than that warm yellow, but I like less buttery walls. And now we can officially say that after renovations...Carnegie hall is cooler than before. 

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