Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Went to the Temple!

I may have chosen the option of playing spikeball in the pouring rain over writing an email to all of you... so.

Last week for P day we visited an epic street of the city just covered in murals. Some pics included.

Twice this week, we were just walking along and someone literally motioned us into their house and asked us to share with them. That's pretty cool. We'll see if either of those families go anywhere this week.

We went to the temple!! Please go this week if you're not a missionary who is unable to just decide to go. The temple is literally the best place on earth. I think the one drawback to the mission is that I don't get to just go there as often as I want.

We had an awesome lesson with a guy we put on date. It's literally so fun to teach when you are teaching someone who is interested! Unfortunately he didn't come to church and we don't know why because he gave us a pretty dang solid commitment that he would. Rip. To his salvation. Hopefully he will come next week and get back on track.

Aaand a lot of other cool stuff happened this week but I'm running out of P day time. So read Helaman 3:35 and think about how you can apply that in your life... sorry I don't have time to explain why I liked it but if you read the verse it should be obvious.

Love you all!

Hermana Cazier


a bunch from the calle de murales and one temple selfie attempt when we were in the guagua since we had to leave our phones there the whole time

*You should note June's super cute tennis shoes. Apparently the sisters can wear them, but the Elder's can't. They do look nice and comfortable.

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