Sunday, September 11, 2022

Happy Fête Day!

This week was pretty great. 

We did a service project for our friend Lourdes which we thought was gonna be cleaning her house. We were working on the outside so we assumed we'd be picking up the random junk, wood, and broken furniture in her yard, but instead we were instructed to build a barricade with it. But now Lourdes' fence is extra enforced, so, mission accomplished?

On Saturday night and Sunday morning we called every person in our carpeta to invite them to church. Because we were spending a chunk of time doing this and I didn't want to get bored, at the beginning I decided I would do a tricep pushup for every person who didn't say yes, whether they didn't pick up or said no. My final count was like 120 tricep pushups and I can feel it today. But our calling efforts and my sore arms were not in vain and we had kind of a record number at church: 11! Sometimes we get some random Haitians, friends of some new members who often come but aren't progressing. So our church number can look deceptively high, but this Sunday it was high because our people who we were really fasting and praying for to come actually came! There is real power in fasting.

My comp and I made a goal to start switching off more in the lessons and it's made a huge difference in how good our lessons are. It's pretty normal for one companion to teach one principle, then pass it off to their comp to teach the next one, etc. But we started saying only a few sentences before passing it off and it's awesome! It feels way more like a conversation, which is much more normal for the person we're teaching. And it also enables us to teach faster and clearer and bring the Spirit more! I'm excited to keep doing it.

Also today we celebrated a classic Cazier holiday called Fête Day. Means party in French, and it's the made up holiday we created for the sad month of August that lacked a holiday (yes it is September, we were a little slow in getting it all put together). The rules are, there's a certain color and everyone wears it and everyone has to buy a cheap gift for someone else in the color. We do some fun activity and eat ice cream cake at the end.

My zone is awesome and humored me when I said I had an idea for a zone activity. The rough thing is that I'm in a really spread out zone right now and not everyone in the zone came because they would have to travel like three hours to come and that's hard on P day. But a lot of people did come and it was a blast! Thank you Navarrete zone!

The color was blue and we did all the classic stuff. We played Four on a Couch (anyone who knows me from high school can testify that that's my favorite party game ever), had a hilarious gift exchange, and even had ice cream cake. That was the only thing I wasn't sure we'd be able to replicate in the DR, but Helado Bon got my back and we ate a really expensive ice cream cake with knives cuz we couldn't find forks. So all in all a pretty epic P day and I'm glad we could do something exciting at one point during this transfer because P days here in el campo have been a little lacking in fun excursions.

I'll send pics next week, know that I love you all and think of you often! Have a fantastic week!

Hermana Cazier 

(I got pictures from June and went back and put them into this post. They may not be exactly in the right place, but they are added anyway.)

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