Saturday, October 1, 2022

Heber Creeper Reward

(September 24th, 2021)

It's General Conference happening this weekend, which is always my favorite. And it just so happens that I need to blog about our reward last year at this time. I decided it would be really fun to ride the Heber Creeper. I don't think the girls had ever been on it before. I looked up some dates and they had a Broadway night where they played fun music and they even had Vocal Point on board for a few performances. Very cool. 

As you know, the rule is that you have to reread (or listen) to all the talks before the next conference. This time around, we had a couple that didn't make it. That's always sad, but the reward is still there for those who did finish. So we packed up our crew and drove to Heber to ride the train. Before boarding, we got a selfie, but a gunman jumped into the photo. (I hear they also have fun nights where people rob the train, but we didn't go on one of those.)

There is a little station there where we picked up our tickets and took some fun pictures in the cutouts.

Then we boarded and the adventure started. They played fun show tunes the whole evening. We had a great time singing along. Often, we were the only ones singing, but that didn't matter to us.

I took a couple pictures out the window, which was discouraged. They didn't want you putting your hands out. (Just like a bus.)

It was really fun to have vocal point come through. They sang twice, on the way there and back. They sang almost as well as us. ;)

We sang until the sun went down and the train came home. We even saw some wildlife before the sun set. I remember seeing a fox. Oh, and lots of bugs. They swarmed in to get to the lights after dusk. Even with bugs in our hair, it was a really fun evening.

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