Monday, October 31, 2022

Yellow Helping Hands

I got to cross something off my bucket list that's been there for years this week! I got to wear a Yellow Helping Hands shirt! Technically a vest, but it was so fun! We got our vests and picked up trash off of the trash filled streets of Navarrete. It felt sooo good! Service is one of the most rewarding ways to spend your time!

As we were going, I heard someone say, "It's the missionaries from America! They're here to help!" You bet we are, although most of the time we focus on the way more important work of soul saving instead of street cleaning.

I had some fire studies this week. In Mosiah 18, I did some math and figured out that Alma's little group of members of the Church was growing at an exponential rate. Initially, 204 people got baptized. Two years later, they had 450 people in total. That means they were baptizing an average of more than ten people every month! 2-3 every single week! That blows my mind as a missionary. We had five baptisms this month and I was over here thinking, wow, we had a ton! But it wasn't even half of what Alma's people accomplished in any given month.

I want to see that kind of success, so I analyzed what it says Alma's people did. And in between the verse with 204 converts and the verse with 450 converts, it just talks about strengthening the ward. Unifying the ward members, serving and imparting one to another, everyone getting together for church on Sundays. It doesn't even talk about doing "missionary work", because when people are truly converted and strong in the gospel, they'll naturally bring others in.

I'm gonna get a chance to start fresh in another ward this week (that's right, I don't know how but six weeks have already passed and we got our transfer news) and I'm gonna really try to make a difference to the members in my new ward. Member work isn't one of my strong suits, but everything clearly shows that missionary work is WAY more effective when members are involved. I read it from Alma himself this week and that's motivation to repent and improve.

I'm headed back to Santiago, but a different zone than where I was born. I'll be in Moca and I'm gonna be comps with Hermana Torres! I'm really excited. I was actually kinda hoping for a comp who doesn't speak any English cuz I think I'm ready for that stretch. And I know Hermana Torres just a little cuz we went to Santo Domingo together one time. Should be an adventure. I'll miss Navarrete and all the people I met here. It's been an amazing three months here, but every end of something good is also the beginning of something else good, so I'm excited to see what God teaches me next.

I love you guys lots. Have an awesome week!!

Oh also, happy Halloween I guess. It's I love this holiday but was low on options so I "dressed up" as a can of orange soda (I happen to have a t shirt with that logo). But our phone stopped taking pictures randomly... so I have no proof.

Hermana Cazier


1. this fruit is called a granada and I think it's actually a pomegranate, Dominicans just haven't waited long enough to realize that it gets bigger, redder, and way better tasting

2-3. some pics from our last district council with this super fun district

4-5. Yellow Helping Hands!!

6. June sent this picture to me later, so I'm including her costume on here. :)

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