Monday, November 7, 2022

Conciertos de Otoño

(October 4th, 6th, 2022)

October is one of the months where all the performing arts groups have concerts. Well, not drama, but they don't really have 'concerts' in the first place. But Band, Orchestra, Choir, and Ballroom usually have something going on. We have children in a few of these groups, so we get to attend lots of fun concerts. And amazingly, we didn't miss any while we were on the cruise. That is frankly amazing. 

The only problem is that sometimes the concerts overlap. We had an evening with not one, not two, but THREE performances going on. We divided and conquered. That's why it's nice to have two parents.

Let's take it in sequential order. Ivory was the first to get ready. And by get ready, I mean she did all her beautiful makeup and took 3,000 selfies. She's lucky we pay for a ton of photo storage. But she does look lovely.

She headed over to do a ballroom halftime performance at the volleyball game. Tyler, Pearl, and Robyn came to watch, record, and pick up dinner. Nice. (Ask Robyn about how she managed to transport 4 drinks while riding the grom...)

Afterward, Robyn brought me dinner, since I was over watching Daisy at her choir concert. I like their shirts this year and they did a really great job. Daisy does two choirs. She does Acapella, but also the Advanced Girls. It isn't early morning this year, it is just a class during the day. The song I recorded for Daisy seems very advanced, but I thought they did an amazing job! I would have a hard time keeping all the lyrics straight.

Then I grabbed Daisy and we went back over to the high school to watch Ivory's choir concert. I think I need to get some elevator shoes for Ivory. She is so short and this year, she is three rows up. You can barely see her. I guess the point is to listen, but I like to find her smiling face too.

But we found her afterward. Good job everyone for making it through this evening.

Not to be left out, Pearl had a band concert a couple days later. She is playing the French Horn and she is still a beginner, but she's getting the hang of it. The Beginning Band does sound a little rusty, but give them time. Some of these kids have only been playing for two months, Pearl included.

There is almost always someone from our family at each performance to cheer on our Cazier's. We love to support whenever we can. And it's wonderful to see the girls develop their talents.

Until December, when we get to do it all again.

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