Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Re: I Will Forsake My Kingdom...

Can't get a new email to work so here's this week's:

Hola everyone!!! We had a really good week!

Haha actually we had a kinda meh week in most regards but I'm in a really good mood right now so I feel like it was a really good week. And it definitely did have its highlights.

We had an awesome zone conference focusing on the Book of Mormon. This Book truly is the truest book in existence. I know it's true. Not because I prayed about it one time years ago and that's been fueling my testimony since. Because I prayed about it last week. Because I read it every day last week, and every single day I got something I needed out of it, because the Lord knows our needs and can give us what we need through the Spirit when we read the Book of Mormon. Have you had a spiritual experience recently with the Book of Mormon?

If not, go read it.

I put extensions in my comp's hair this week. Now I have a new skill.

I found a dark chocolate candy bar, which I have been unsuccessfully looking for since I got to this country.

I'm out of time. Spend this time you would have spent reading one of my novels reading the Book of Mormon cuz it has better stuff to say than me anyway.

Have a great week! Happy Thanksgiving, I think. I almost forgot that was a holiday.

Hermana Cazier 

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