Monday, December 19, 2022

Legally Blonde Jr.

(November 17-21st, 2022)

The fall musical is always a good time at the Junior High. My only issue is still that they just rotate through some of the same plays instead of getting newer (maybe funner) ones. I've seen them do Legally Blonde before, but it is always a little different with new performers.

Both Daisy and Pearl tried out for the cast. They both made it in, Daisy as a guard and Pearl as part of the ensemble. I think Daisy was a little disenchanted by getting the lowest speaking role there was, because she opted out of doing the play. I was sad to see her go, since it's really fun to watch the kids perform, but Pearl was still thrilled to be in it.

Pearl had a blast doing the play. In the ensemble, she got to be in a lot of the scenes. She had three costume changes. First, she was in the Delta Nu Sorority group. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh you guys!! She did a great job. It was so fun to see all the girls scream and giggle.

Elle has a dog, Bruiser, in the play, and the director brought in a real puppy for them to use. There were rules about the puppy; only certain people could hold it. But it seriously was the most chill dog I've ever seen. The girls dragged him about and he never squirmed or barked. Most of the time, he just looked sleepy.

The best joke was probably when the girl said, "Bruiser, what's that? You said Elle is trapped in the Old Valley Well?" "Oh, sorry, it's the Old Valley Mall." Don't worry gals.

The girl who played Elle did a really good job. In fact, all of the characters were pretty good. The mikes weren't always as good as they could be, but that happens every year. And there were some pitchy spots in the singing, but certainly more good parts than bad. Paulette was played by one of my favs, Olivia. She did such a good job.

Pearl's second costume was her business attire. She got to be part of the Harvard Law crowd. Her favorite song was So Much Better, when Elle figures out that doing well in school is better than winning back her ex-boyfriend. 

Pearl's final costume change was being part of the Brooke's exercise gang. Accused of murdering her husband, she is still in great shape and not willing to share her alibi. 

I caught Pearl on the stair near me during one of the scenes. And funny enough, in the finale, when they freeze at the end, Pearl sneaks a look at me, since she knew where we were sitting.

Bows for all the ensemble girls. 

We came on a couple nights. Granny V, Dad, and Beau made it early in the week. And Ivory and Daisy came later. We were all proud of Pearl. I'm really glad she got to have this experience. I guess we'll see if she wants to do it again next year.

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